11 Crystals for Self-Love, Relationship Healing, and Attracting Love "From Personal Experience"

11 Crystals for Self-Love, Relationship Healing, and Attracting Love “From Personal Experience”

11 Crystals for Self-Love, Relationship Healing, and Attracting Love “From Personal Experience” I hope this article was helpful for you.

When I was going through a break-up, I found that using crystals for self-love and relationship healing could help me to move on. I would recommend using Selenite to cleanse and purify your soul, Citrine to clear out any negative energy and emotions, and Black Moonstone to help you accept the pain that you are feeling. These crystals can help to deepen your current relationships or attract new ones into your life.

Do you want to improve your existing connections, get more comfortable with intimacy, or find new love in your life?

If so, let crystals help you! I have chosen what I consider to be the seven top crystals to help support your intentions and open the channels to greater, deeper love in your life.

If that’s the case, let crystals assist you! I have chosen eleven of my favorite crystals to aid in the manifestation and opening of spiritual energy channels in your love life.

Each of the crystals below has properties that can support you in deepening your current relationships, becoming more comfortable with intimacy, attracting new love into your life, or healing from heartbreak.

Each of the stones below has qualities that may help you strengthen your existing connections, gain more comfort with intimacy, attract a new love into your life, or repair your heartbreak.

Here are the seven crystals I recommend for deepening your love life:

Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love and compassion. It encourages self-love and can help you heal from heartbreak.

Meditation For Unconditional LOVE & Attracting Your SOULMATE

Black Obsidian

When you experience heartbreak, Black Obsidian can help you find happiness and joy. It will calm any negative energies that may be swirling around you, and it will help you get rid of any baggage that you’ve been carrying around.


Malachite is a stone of transformation. It helps you to get over heartbreak and to release negative emotions such as anger, resentment, and bitterness. It also helps you to move on from the past and to embrace change.

Malachite is a powerful stone that can help you to manifest your desires.


Amethyst is a stone of protection and can help to keep you safe from negative energy and influences when experiencing heartbreak. It is also a stone of calm and peace. Amethyst can help you to find happiness and joy once again.

It is a powerful stone that can help to clear out any negative energy and emotions that may be blocking your ability to move on. It also helps to stimulate the Crown Chakra, which is associated with spiritual growth and enlightenment.

By using Amethyst, you can effectively clear out any energies that are no longer serving you and make room for new beginnings.

Lilac Kunzite

When you’re going through a breakup, it can feel like your whole world is crumbling. You may feel like you’ll never be happy again, or that you’ll never find love again.

But don’t worry, you will! In the meantime, Lilac Kunzite can help you get through this tough time.

Kunzite is a stone of unconditional love and compassion. It helps to soothe the heart and release anger, sadness, and other negative emotions. It also helps to promote healing after a break-up and can encourage you to open your heart to new love once again.


Pyrite is a stone of motivation and determination. It helps you to stay focused on your goals and to stay motivated when things get tough.

Pyrite is also a stone of protection, so it can help to keep you safe from negative energy and influences when experiencing heartbreak.

Pyrite is a stone that can help you to get over heartbreak. It helps you to release negative emotions such as anger, resentment, and bitterness.

It also helps you to move on from the past and to embrace change. Pyrite is a powerful stone that can help you to manifest your desires.

Black Moonstone

Black Moonstone can help you get over disappointment when you experience heartbreak. It will allow you to accept the pain that you are feeling and will help you to move on.

Black Moonstone will support your emotional healing and will help you to release the pain that you are holding onto.

Pink Mangano Calcite

Pink Mangano Calcite is a powerful crystal for healing the heart. It can help you to achieve greater happiness when you experience heartbreak.

It can also help you to forgive yourself and others and to move on from the past.

Lapis Lazuli is a crystal that expresses the truth in your soul. It can help you to see the truth behind your break-up and to learn from the experience.

It can also help you to move on from the past and to embrace change. Lapis Lazuli is a powerful stone that can help you to manifest your desires.

11 Crystals for Self-Love, Relationship Healing, and Attracting Love "From Personal Experience"
11 Crystals for Self-Love, Relationship Healing, and Attracting Love “From Personal Experience”


Septarian is a great stone to work with when you’ve gone through a break-up or experienced heartache. It can help you to find happiness and joy once again. Septarian is a mix of Calcite, Aragonite, and Limestone.

It helps to provide support during times of change and can be especially helpful in promoting forgiveness. It’s also thought to help strengthen relationships and encourage communication.


Selenite is a powerful stone that can help to calm and soothe the soul. It can help you to release any negative emotions that may be blocking your ability to move on.

Selenite can also help to cleanse and purify the soul, which can be especially helpful after a break-up or experiencing heartache.


If you’re seeking to cleanse the soul and release any bad feelings after experiencing heartbreak, Apophyllite can be a powerful ally.

This stone is known for its ability to bring happiness and joy into your life, which can be a great boon when you’re going through a difficult time.

It can also help to calm and soothe your emotions, providing a sense of peace and serenity.


When you experience heartbreak, it can be difficult to get over the happiness you once felt. This is where Citrine can come in to help.

Citrine is a powerful stone that helps to clear out any negative energy and emotions that may be blocking your ability to move on.

It also helps to stimulate the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is associated with personal power and self-confidence.

By using Citrine, you can effectively clear out any energies that are no longer serving you and make room for new beginnings.

What Happens when love crystals break?

Love crystals can break when they’ve completed their task.

This might happen if you’ve asked the crystal to help deepen your current relationship, become more comfortable with intimacy, or attract a new love into your life.

When the crystal breaks, it’s a sign that the task has been completed and the energy has been released.

Final Thoughts on… 11 Crystals for Self-Love, Relationship Healing, and Attracting Love “From Personal Experience”

When you experience heartbreak it is a difficult time, but the right crystals can help you find happiness and joy once again.

With these eleven crystals of love, it’s possible to deepen your current relationships or attract new ones into your life.

Just to remind you about some of the crystals. Septarian is a great stone to work with when you’ve gone through a break-up or experienced heartache.

It can help you to find happiness and joy once again by promoting forgiveness and strengthening relationships.

Black Moonstone can help you get over disappointment when you experience heartbreak by accepting the pain that you are feeling and moving on.

Selenite is a stone of protection and can help to keep you safe from negative energy and influences when experiencing heartbreak.

Amethyst is a powerful stone that helps clear out any negative energy and emotions that may be blocking your ability to move on, while Black Obsidian can help you find happiness and joy once again.

Please let me know what you thought about this article by leaving me a comment at https://www.hobbyistgeek.com/contact/

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I attract true love?

Many people wonder how they can attract true love into their lives. Here are a few steps to help get you started:

Set a goal for true love and start working towards it.

Identify what you are looking for. People look for different things in a partner.

Figure out what is important to you and what you want in a relationship.

Make yourself happy. This may seem like an odd suggestion, but if you aren’t happy with yourself, it will be difficult to attract someone else who can make you happy.

How to manifest your soulmate?

It’s a question that has been asked by people for centuries. And while there is no one-size-fits-all answer, there are some things you can do to increase the chances of meeting your perfect match. Here are

Don’t stress over finding someone. The more you worry about it, the less likely it is to happen. Instead, relax and focus on enjoying your life. The right person will come along when the time is right.

Journal about your ideal relationship. What does it look like? What are the qualities of your perfect partner? How do you feel in this relationship? Writing down your thoughts and dreams can help you to better manifest them into reality

How do I spiritually attract my soulmate?

When it comes to attracting your soulmate, the first step is to believe in love. You have to believe that it exists and that you deserve it. You also need to heal any old wounds that may be blocking you from receiving love. This can be done through various forms of self-care and reflection. Once you’ve cleared the way, you can start to enjoy life before your partner arrives. Be open and honest with yourself and live from your soul. The more authentic you are, the more likely it is that your soulmate will find you.







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