Past Life Regression with Crystals: Guided Meditation

Your Past Life Regression with Crystals: Guided Meditation!
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Welcome, beloved listener. Get into a comfortable position, either seated or laying down. Today we will be embarking on a past life regression journey, using crystals as our anchors to access memories and wisdom from previous incarnations.
To begin, hold your amethyst cluster in your left hand. Amethyst helps still the conscious mind so we can journey within. Take 5 deep, grounding breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. With each inhale, feel your body becoming lighter and on each exhale feel yourself being brought deeper into a relaxed state.
Imagine in your mind’s eye an elevator, and you are stepping inside. This elevator travels not up and down…but backward and forward in time. See the button panel with all integers illuminated. We will be traveling back lifetimes today. Press button 10, descending 10 lifetimes back in time. As we travel, feel your consciousness expanding, moving through veils of time and space.
The elevator comes to a halt, doors opening to another scene, another body, another identity. Step out into the landscape before you. Use your senses and intuition to reveal details about your surroundings… Notice textures, colors, sounds. Ask for any messages from your higher self to come forward about the purpose of visiting this past incarnation.
Begin walking forward through the landscape, allowing it to unfold before you organically. You notice certain familiar crystals lining your path, glittering in the landscape. These crystals serve as anchors and affirmations of truths carried between your lifetimes. Pick them up one by one as you walk, holding their essence.
You come to the edge of a cliff overlooking a sea. Sit here in meditation a moment, bathing in memories carried in the waves and crystalline topsoil of this place. Ask inwardly what piece of wisdom your higher self wished for you to unearth from this past life in order to heal, grow and advance your soul’s purpose in your current incarnation. Listen closely for the answer.
When you are ready, begin walking back out of the scene, returning to the elevator doors in your mind’s eye. Step in and press button 0 to return to the present. As we travel forward in time once more, feel your consciousness settling back into the current body and moment, carrying integrating any healing, lessons or awareness from the past life journey.
Take some time now to journal or draw about your experience. When ready, gently begin to wiggle fingers and toes, stretching the body as we complete our regression. Welcome back, beloved listener, welcome back.
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