What Are The Types Of Brazed Joints? “Explained”
What Are The Types Of Brazed Joints? “Explained” Will be covered in this informative article.
What are the types of brazed joints?
There are many different types of brazed joints ranging from the simple Lap and Butt joints to the complex Pierced, Corner, and Edge joints.
Each joint serves its own purpose.
Brazing is a fascinating technique used for many different applications to join two metal pieces together.
There are many different types of brazing joints, and in today’s article, we will take a look at the most common ones and compare them to one another. So, without further ado, let’s get started!
What Is Brazed Joint?
Before we can take a closer look at the many different types of brazing joints that we can find, we should first take a step back to the basics, because what even is a brazing joint? Let’s find out.
A brazing joint is a joint formed between two metal pieces that have been connected together through the brazing process.
Brazing is a process where heat and filler metal are used to connect metal pieces, forming a joint known as a brazing joint.
What Are Brazed Lap Joints?
Now that we have covered the basic background information surrounding brazing joints, it is time to take a closer look at the different types of brazing joints.
First, on the list, we have the brazed lap joint. What is it, and how does it work? Let’s take a look.\
A lap joint is a very basic brazing joint. Two metal pieces are placed on top of each other, overlapping, the filler metal then flows in the overlap, forming a strong lap joint between the two metal pieces.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t53tjQanK8Brazed Joints Process Tutorial… This video has lots of important information.
What Are Brazed Butt Joints?
With the first basic brazing joint covered, it is now time to move on to the next one, which is the brazed butt joint.
But what is this joint, and how does it differ from the brazed lap joint that we mentioned earlier? Let’s take a closer look at the brazed Butt joint.
The Brazed Butt joint is another pretty basic brazing joint, but instead of creating an overlap the pieces are laid directly next to each other, and a joint is formed on the touching surface area.

What Are Brazed Scarf Joints?
Let’s continue working our way down the list of different types of brazing joints, next up we will take a closer look at the brazed scarf joint.
How does this joint differ from the ones mentioned previously? Without further ado, let’s dive straight into the brazed scarf joint.
The brazed scarf joint is incredibly similar to a brazed butt joint. The only difference is that with a scarf joint the metal pieces are cut at an angle, this forms a stronger joint between the two pieces, but it is harder to braze.
What Are Brazed Tee Joints?
We have now covered several different types of brazing joints, but we still have a lot of joint types to go. Let’s continue with the next one, being brazed tee joints.
What are they and how do they differ from the rest? Let’s find out.
Brazed tee joints are a type of brazing joint that occurs when the two metal workpieces are joined together at a 90° angle. This forms a T shape, hence the name ‘tee’ joint.
What Are Brazed Butt-lap joints?
We have heard about lap and butt joints, but now it is time to move on to the next brazing joint type, which is the butt-lap joint.
But what is the butt-lap joint, and how does it differ from any of the other joints we mentioned today? Let’s have a look.
As you can expect, the butt-lap joint is a mixture between the lap and the but joints.
Some parts of the joint overlap to form a lap joint, other parts touch surfaces to form a but joint. This forms a strong joint known as the brazed butt-lap joint.
What Are Brazed Pierce Joints?
Let’s continue working our way down the list of brazing joint types, next up we have a brazed pierce joint. But what is it, and what are its advantages? Let’s find out.
A pierce brazed joint is a joint where one metal piece is pierced through the other at the time of brazing. This forms an incredibly strong bond and can be used for many different applications.
What Are Brazed Corner Joints?
We have covered many different brazing joint types on this list, and we now only have two more to go. Next up, we will look at the brazed corner joint and its characteristics.
Brazed corner joints are incredibly similar to the previously mentioned brazed tee joints. It uses the same 90° angle, but instead of forming a tee shape, it forms a corner of two metal pieces.
What Are Brazed Edge Joints?
Finally, we have only one brazing joint left to examine in today’s article. The final brazing joint that we will look at is the brazed edge joint. What is it and how does it work? Let’s find out.
Brazed edge joints are similar to tee joints, the only difference is that with an edge joint the metal surfaces are bent to form a kind of lap joint. This is stronger than a tee joint, but it can only be used with thin sheet metal.
Final Thoughts On… What Are The Types Of Brazed Joints? “Explained”
All in all, brazing is a fascinating technique for both professionals and hobbyists. There are many different types of brazing and brazing joints. We hope that this article has been useful, and thank you for reading it!
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Frequently Asked Questions
Let’s finish off by looking at some frequently asked questions on the topic.
Which brazing joint is the strongest?
The strongest brazing joint mentioned in this article is the pierced braze joint.
How to tell if a brazed joint is good?
Check to see if the brazed joint looks smooth, without cracks or holes.
How to un braze a joint?
A joint can be un brazed by using high temperatures or lots of force.
What to do when brazing large joints?
A: Try to divide the joint into smaller sections and work smoothly for the best results.
How can you tell if a joint is brazed?
Brazed joints look like a small, smooth line of metal between two pieces.

Sources In MLA Format
“Integrated Publishing, Inc. – A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business.” Joint Design, constructionmanuals.tpub.com/14250/css/Joint-Design-123.htm.
Kay, Dan. “Braze Joint Design Considerations.” Welcome to Kay & Associates!, www.kaybrazing.com/brazing-articles/824-braze-joint-design-considerations.html.
“The Most Common Types of Brazed Joint.” ThermalVac Technology, 24 Dec. 2019, www.thermalvac.com/news/2019/the-most-common-types-of-brazed-joint.
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