16 Jewelry Cleaning Care Tips You Must Know 2023

16 Jewelry Cleaning Care Tips You Must Know 2023

We, as electroforming artists, are always seeking new possibilities to explore, and more fields to apply our expertise on, this quest for exploration has led us down many paths, but what better than the path of jewelry! Jewelry is incredibly popular across the globe and using the beauty of electroforming we can bring down the…

Can You Copper Electroplate With Baking Soda? Beginner

Can You Copper Electroplate With Baking Soda? Beginner

Conventionally, people who electroplate use vinegar along with distilled water to prepare the electrolyte solution of copper. Once the electrolyte solution is ready, you can then plate the piece that you want. However, it is not the only way to do it, and electrolytes can also be prepared with the help of baking soda. The…

Can Plastic Be Electroplated? Important

Can Plastic Be Electroplated? Important

It is a relatively more accessible and straightforward process when we want to electroplate a conductive material, i.e., metals, etc. When the piece that is being electroplated is conductive, the electroplating process moves smoother since the electrolyte reacts quickly with the conductive piece. However, it is not the case when the piece that you want…

Can You Electroplate With Vinegar And Hydrogen Peroxide? (Best Way)

Can You Electroplate With Vinegar And Hydrogen Peroxide? (Best Way)

I explain in this article Can You Electroplate With Vinegar And Hydrogen Peroxide? (Explained). Electroplating, while similar to electroforming it’s far from the same. Different situations require different techniques, and in this article, we’ll be discussing how you can electroplate objects, in particular how to do so using household items such as vinegar, and some…

How Long Does Electroforming Take? (All You Need to Know)

How Long Does Electroforming Take? (All You Need to Know)

How Long Does Electroforming Take? The process of electroforming can be a daunting task for many hobbyists, it can be time-consuming and frustrating at times, but the results always make it worthwhile! In this article, we’ll discuss what electroforming is like as a hobby, and we’ll answer questions like, how long does electroforming take, along…

What Is Silver Electroplating/Electroforming? (All You Need To Know)

What Is Silver Electroplating/Electroforming? (All You Need To Know)

What is silver electroplating/electroforming? Electroforming and electroplating are two very similar arts, yet they should be used in different situations for different purposes. For both arts, you can use many metals such as copper, gold, or silver for example. In this article, we’ll focus on the latter of those, silver! We’ll cover everything you need…